Project management

Project management is the designation of an area of the administration, where we apply techniques, knowledge and skills, to develop inter-related activities in order to achieve a clear set of objectives (scope), in a predetermined period (time), within the financial limits available (cost), seeking to produce the best possible outcome (quality) through the use of best technical, material and human resources.
The PMI (Project Management Institute) defines project management as the process through which we apply knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to project activities in order to meet the needs and expectations of various stakeholders (interested parties), which are actively individuals involved in the project or the result of it can affect them positively or negatively.
Project management is usually an assignment of a professional known as a project manager, who rarely participates directly in the activities that produce the end result, that is, it manages the project, without necessarily being on of the developers of the same.
The project manager works to keep the project progress underway, controlling all aspects of it, from its initiation to closure, through the planning, execution, monitoring and control of it.
A project differs from the normal activities of a company, because it has a beginning, middle and end, whereas normal activities are continuous and repetitive.
To learn more about project management, it pays to know the PMBOK (Project Management Body of Knowledge), a grouping of knowledge administered by an organization called PMI (Project Management Institute), which has become the most widely used standard, whether in industry, civil construction, software development, etc.
Date of this text: April 7, 2015.